Licence programs

Embedded Systems and Internet of Things

Overview of the Program

Language       English

Duration        3 Years

Level          Undergraduate

Approach      Hybrid

The objective of this program is to prepare students to continue advanced studies (Masters and Doctorate) in related disciplines, but also to be able to integrate industry. It aims to train technical specialists capable of analyzing, designing, testing, implementing, and maintaining embedded systems and  Internet connected objects. Students are trained in adressing the communication, security, and energy implications of connecting IoT devices to the network. The Licence program aims to train computer and embedded system specialists capable of playing a leading role in the digital transformation of the industry (the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0).

Admission requirements

Students must be holders of a Tunisian Bac or equivalent of the following type:

  • Bac Maths
  • Bac Sciences experimentales
  • Bac Informatique
  • Bac Technique

Program objectives

The specific objectives of the program are to train specialists with solid theoretical, linguistic, and technical skills in engineering computer and
 embedded systems, especially those based on IoT devices.

The program will enable graduates, in particular, to:

  • Design, analyze, evaluate, develop, test, implement, and maintain IT applications.
  • Design and deploy IoT solutions to collect, process, and secure data.
  • Design, install, maintain, and administer computer networks, mobile and IoT networks.
  • Be able to virtualize applications and services and to define and implement the appropriate security policy for a network.
  • Demonstrate an ability to work both individually and as part of a team.

Target careers

Graduates of the Licence in Embedded systems and IoT can continue their education to get a Master or Engineering degree in a related field. They can also join the industry to work on the development and maintenance of systems based on embeddded systems and the internet of things. The application of these technologies span industrial computing, automation, health informatics, smart agriculture, and smart cities. They can join a team to launch a startup to develop solutions relying on these technologies to serve the needs of clients in a variety of sectors.


Graduates of the Licence in Embedded Systems & IoT  often acquire a number of professional certifications in parallel with their engineering training thanks to the courses offered by MUST’s centre for professional and executive education. Certifications are available in various areas including system & network management, cloud computing, cybersecurity, data science, and database management.

Program course description

Semester 1
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsCoefficientMode
UEF110Calculus I (Mathématique 1)63Hybird
UEF120Physics I ( Physique 1)63Hybird
UEF130Intro to Computer Systems (Matériels et Logiciels 1)73.5Hybird
UEF140Algorithms & Programming I ( Algorithmique & Programmation 1)73.5Hybird
UET110English I (Langue et Culture d'Entreprise)42Hybird
Semester 2
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsCoefficientMode
UEF210Calculus II (Mathématiques 2)42Hybird
UEF220Physics II (Physique 2)42Hybird
UEF230Computer Architecture (Matériels & Réseaux)63Hybird
UEF240Algorithms & Programming II (Algorithmique & Programmation 2)63Hybird
UEF250Operating Systems (Systèmes d'exploitation)42Hybird
UET210Technical Communications ( Langues et Culture Numérique)63Hybird
Semester 3
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsCoefficientMode
UEF310Probability & Statistics (Probabilité & Optimisation)
UEF320Intro to Computer Networks (Réseaux Locaux & Technologies Multimédia)63Hybird
UEF330Software System Design (Conception des Systèmes d'information)42Hybird
UEF340Object-oriented Programming 63Hybird
UET310Professional Communications42Hybird
UEO310Embedded System Programming63Hybird
Semester 4
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsCoefficientMode
UEF410Web & Mobile Application Development
UEF420Embedded System Design & Implementation63Hybird
UEF430Software Testing63Hybird
UET410Ethics & Privacy63Hybird
Semester 5
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsCoefficientMode
UEF510AI & Industrial Computing52.5Hybird
UEF520IoT Architecture and Security52.5Hybird
UEF530HW/SW Co-design63Hybird
UEF540Real-time Systems42Hybird
UEO510Advanced Robotics & Embedded Systems42Hybird
Semester 6
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsCoefficientMode
UEF610Capstone Project/Internship (Stage de fin d'études)3015